The Largest White City in Morocco-Casablanca 摩洛哥最大的白色之城——卡萨布兰卡

巴士英语更新于2019-07-30 11:13  浏览  手机访问


Casablanca is a city of northwest Morocco on the Atlantic Ocean south-southwest of Tangier. Founded by the Portuguese in the i6th century, it became a center of French influence in Africa after 1907. It is now Morocco's largest city.

Casablanca is a modern city and beautiful in its own respect. It gets the name from Spanish, means "white house", and the Hollywood film Casablanca made this white city more famous all over the world.

Among the most visible aspects of Casablanca are the wide boulevards flanked by white, tall buildings. The streets run out as the leaves of a fan from the Place des Nations Unties. This place is the focal point of downtown Casablanca.

The old city of Casablanca is conveniently located- just off the main town square from where all avenues radiate, and near the sea. But as you enter, you will see that it is not all that old after all, that the houses here often have a form and size which would have made them natural Elements in the "new" parts of many other Moroccan cities.

But still, it is very nice, even if it is surprisingly small.The best parts of the old city is made up of shopping areas,where all types of products are sold, and you should not either miss out on the less visited quarters- the areas where people live - where colors, shapes and curves bring you far away from elegance of downtown Casablanca.











